Saturday, April 4, 2009

WoW chat.. Hilarious!

This is definitely the funniest thing regarding WoW I've read in a LONG time. ... 5864846564

In case the thread gets deleted one day, I'll copy and paste it here:

Scourge Chat Log
***User "theLichKing" has entered the chat.***
[theLichKing]: Hey
[theLichKing]: Anyone there?
[theLichKing]: *drums fingers*
***User "Kel'Thuz4d" has entered the chat.***
[theLichKing]: Hey man.
[Kel'Thuz4d]: my liege
[theLichKing]: Listen, there's this thing I need you to do for me
[Kel'Thuz4d]: anything my liege
[Kel'Thuz4d]: what army must i lay to waste
[Kel'Thuz4d]: whose lands shall i decimate for ur glory
[theLichKing]: Um, yeah, I'm good on decimation for today. We're going to hold off on the
decimation for, like, a week or so.
[Kel'Thuz4d]: ok?
[theLichKing]: I was thinking. How much trouble do you think it would be to have a thermostat installed in the Throne Room?
[Kel'Thuz4d]: ...
[Kel'Thuz4d]: y?
[theLichKing]: It's really really cold in here.
[theLichKing]: I'm Lord of the Scourge. I think I should get a thermostat.
[Kel'Thuz4d]: no its a frozen throne
[theLichKing]: Right
[theLichKing]: See that's exactly what I'm talking about. The throne is frozen. The chair that I sit on all day? Literally a block of ice.
[theLichKing]: It is so very, very cold.
[theLichKing]: I actually cannot over-emphasize how cold I am on a daily basis.
[Kel'Thuz4d]: but its supposed to be frozen
[Kel'Thuz4d]: its the source of ur power
[theLichKing]: About that. Can I get my power transferred to some other source?
[theLichKing]: Something that isn't made out of ice that I then have to literally sit on?
[theLichKing]: Someone dropped the ball there.
[Kel'Thuz4d]: ok so like what should it be then
[Kel'Thuz4d]: like a ring?
[theLichKing]: A ring?
[theLichKing]: Seriously, a ring.
[theLichKing]: Do you _read_ history?
[Kel'Thuz4d]: so what then
[theLichKing]: I don't know. I'll think about it. Maybe an armoire.
[Kel'Thuz4d]: armor?
[theLichKing]: No, not armor. An armoire. The furniture.
[theLichKing]: Oh but speaking of armor
[theLichKing]: I have skulls on my kneecaps.
[Kel'Thuz4d]: ok?
[theLichKing]: No, it is _not_ okay.
[theLichKing]: I have skulls.
[theLichKing]: On my _kneecaps_.
[Kel'Thuz4d]: well for the thermostat i think u need approval from a supervisor
[Kel'Thuz4d]: ill just get kiljaeden in here and well sort it out
[theLichKing]: No!
[Kel'Thuz4d]: no its cool
[theLichKing]: No, don't...
[theLichKing]: Ugh, my old boss. I hate this guy.
[theLichKing]: Ok I'll just...I'll act casual. Like old times.
***User "Killzone'jaeden" has entered the chat.***
[Killzone'jaeden]: This had better be important.
[Kel'Thuz4d]: yeah lich king here just wants a warmer throne room is all
[Killzone'jaeden]: Warmer?
[theLichKing]: No it's really not necessary sir
[Killzone'jaeden]: You want a warmer throne room?
[Kel'Thuz4d]: yeah
[theLichKing]: No
[Kel'Thuz4d]: yeah he does
[theLichKing]: I really don't.
[Killzone'jaeden]: Ok sure let me just get right on that
[Killzone'jaeden]: I actually know these guys, they're really great, literally made out of fire
[Killzone'jaeden]: They could heat your room right up for you
[Killzone'jaeden]: They're called the Burning Legion...why don't I just invite them to Azeroth so they can come and
[Killzone'jaeden]: OH WAIT
[Killzone'jaeden]: Someone's too busy being Chatty Cathy to PREPARE HIS WORLD FOR AN APOCALYPSE
[theLichKing]: So sorry sir
[Killzone'jaeden]: Yeah, "sir," that's new
[Kel'Thuz4d]: hey cmon though its not like weve just been sitting around
[Kel'Thuz4d]: were spreading plague and stuff
[Kel'Thuz4d]: we totally spread a lot of plague
[Kel'Thuz4d]: and dont forget the spider war
[theLichKing]: Actually I wouldn't mention that...
[Killzone'jaeden]: Oh yes. The "Spider War."
[Killzone'jaeden]: The "war" where you spent ten years getting rid
[Killzone'jaeden]: OF SPIDERS
[Killzone'jaeden]: Check it out, I had a Mosquito War last night. Mosquito lands on me, I squish it. Done. Two seconds.
[Killzone'jaeden]: Didn't take me ten years
[Killzone'jaeden]: BECAUSE I'M NOT AN IDIOT
[theLichKing]: Yes sir
[theLichKing]: Very sorry sir.
[theLichKing]: I'm on it.
[Killzone'jaeden]: Y'know what, you know who else might want to hear about this
[Killzone'jaeden]: Maybe I shold get Sargeras in here
[Kel'Thuz4d]: sure
[theLichKing]: NO! That's not necessary
[Killzone'jaeden]: Hold on I'll go get him.
***User "Killzone'jaeden" has left the chat.***
[theLichKing]: ARE YOU CRAZY
[theLichKing]: "Sure"? Do you know who Sargeras actually is??
[Kel'Thuz4d]: i think so hes alliance right
[theLichKing]: ...
[Kel'Thuz4d]: horde?
[theLichKing]: *headdesk*
***User "An00b'arak" has entered the chat.***
[An00b'arak]: hay guise whats goin on in dis chat
[Kel'Thuz4d]: sup
[An00b'arak]: sup
[Kel'Thuz4d]: sup
[An00b'arak]: sup
[Kel'Thuz4d]: whaaaazzzzaaaaaap
[An00b'arak]: what are yoooooou doing
[theLichKing]: GUYS
[theLichKing]: SERIOUSLY
[An00b'arak]: whats his problem
[Kel'Thuz4d]: hes cold
[An00b'arak]: well yeah he sits on a frozen throne inside of icecrown glacier with a sword named frostmorn
[An00b'arak]: the name icecrown glacier can only imply that among glaciers, which are themselves made of ice, this one is especially icy
[An00b'arak]: its possible there is some coldness involved
[theLichKing]: _Thank_ you!
[theLichKing]: Ok, so install me a thermostat pl0x.
[Kel'Thuz4d]: uh boss ixnay on asking him to install stuff
[An00b'arak]: what is that supposed to mean??
[Kel'Thuz4d]: uh
[An00b'arak]: oh i get it
[An00b'arak]: bc im an arachnid?????
[An00b'arak]: and how could i possibly install a thermostat without thumbs
[An00b'arak]: racist
[Kel'Thuz4d]: no no no
[Kel'Thuz4d]: well ok yeah how would that actually work
[An00b'arak]: im sure i dont just an arachnid
[An00b'arak]: guess what im not ashamed of what i am
[An00b'arak]: >8< spider pride
***User "An00b'arak" has left the chat.***
[Kel'Thuz4d]: thank god
***User "An00b'arak" has entered the chat.***
[Kel'Thuz4d]: oh god
[An00b'arak]: im lodging a formal protest
[An00b'arak]: i am going to let every1 know the scourge is not an equal opportunity employer
[An00b'arak]: and i am being discriminated against due to race
[An00b'arak]: and species
[An00b'arak]: and phylum
[theLichKing]: Ok, look, there's no need to get upset
[An00b'arak]: omg
[An00b'arak]: dont apologize for him arthas
***User "Killzone'jaeden" has entered the chat.***
[Killzone'jaeden]: Sargeras is logging on now.
[theLichKing]: Aw hell.
[Killzone'jaeden]: Precisely.
[theLichKing]: Listen, I wasn't complaining earlier, the temperature is fine...
[An00b'arak]: kiljaeden??
[Killzone'jaeden]: Excuse me, who is this? I'm *Lord* Jaeden to anybody that's not a Dreadlord.
[An00b'arak]: listen killy there is some phylumism going down in this piece
[Killzone'jaeden]: Killy? Oh you do want to die don't you.
[Killzone'jaeden]: Also does nobody capitalize anymore?!
[Killzone'jaeden]: I didn't spend seven aeons feasting on the souls of the righteous just so I could play typing games with the functionally illiterate.
[An00b'arak]: no im serious this is a real issue
[Killzone'jaeden]: *What* is a real issue?
[An00b'arak]: phylum
[An00b'arak]: ism
[Killzone'jaeden]: You best start talking some English
[Killzone'jaeden]: Where the hell is Sargeras?
[theLichKing]: Precisely.
[Killzone'jaeden]: Don't get cute.
[An00b'arak]: i am being discriminated against on the basis of my spinal condition
[Killzone'jaeden]: What is your spinal condition?
[An00b'arak]: i dont have 1
[Killzone'jaeden]: What?
[An00b'arak]: im an arachnid
[An00b'arak]: >8< spider power
[Killzone'jaeden]: Hey LK I thought you squished all of them already. You spent ten years on these morons and you didn't even finish the job?
[An00b'arak]: what
[theLichKing]: Yeah I reanimated him. I'm the Lich King, it's sort of what I do.
[Killzone'jaeden]: So you smashed a bunch of bugs
[Killzone'jaeden]: And then you were like,
[Killzone'jaeden]: "Huh! I sure would like to have those bugs back again!"
[Killzone'jaeden]: Is your brain frozen or what?
[theLichKing]: Ok that's kind of what I was getting at before.
[Killzone'jaeden]: That you're an idiot?
[An00b'arak]: ur horrible
[An00b'arak]: ur a phylumist
[Killzone'jaeden]: Oh no, I'm horrible. Why don't you go and tell all my demon friends how horrible I am. They will be shocked.
[An00b'arak]: phylumist phylumist phulymst phylimist
[An00b'arak]: that gets hard to type after a while though
***User "theLichKing" has kicked user "An00b'arak" from the chat.***
[Kel'Thuz4d]: thank god
***User "An00b'arak" has entered the chat.***
[Kel'Thuz4d]: oh god
[Kel'Thuz4d]: go back to your hole
[theLichKing]: Yeah get out of here
[Killzone'jaeden]: Go back to your hole, spider
[An00b'arak]: p
[An00b'arak]: h
[An00b'arak]: y
[Kel'Thuz4d]: lolwut
[An00b'arak]: l
[An00b'arak]: u
[Killzone'jaeden]: Shut. Up.
[An00b'arak]: m
[Killzone'jaeden]: Dude get rid of this guy.
[An00b'arak]: i
***User "theLichKing" has kicked user "An00b'arak" from the chat.***
***User "An00b'arak" has entered the chat.***
[An00b'arak]: sts
***User "An00b'arak" has left the chat.***
[Killzone'jaeden]: Finally
[Killzone'jaeden]: Where the hell is Sargeras
[theLichKing]: It's really not necessary, I withdraw my request completely.
[Kel'Thuz4d]: no he wants armor
[theLichKing]: An *armoire.*
[theLichKing]: Of power.
[Killzone'jaeden]: I cannot express how much I hate both of you.
[Killzone'jaeden]: And this is coming from someone whose lungs are made out of solidified hate.
***User "~*`Sylvanas'*~" has entered the chat.***
[~*`Sylvanas'*~]: hey everyone ^_^
[theLichKing]: How did you get in here?!
[theLichKing]: This is a private chat!
[~*`Sylvanas'*~]: lol
[~*`Sylvanas'*~]: i hacked admin
***User "theLichKing" has kicked user "~*`Sylvanas'*~" from the chat.***
[~*`Sylvanas'*~]: lol lol lol
[Killzone'jaeden]: TIE fighters
[theLichKing]: What?
[Killzone'jaeden]: Nothing. Can't you kick her out?
[theLichKing]: I just tried
[~*`Sylvanas'*~]: admin guys lol
[~*`Sylvanas'*~]: ^___^
[~*`Sylvanas'*~]: oh plus i can chat under ur names check this out
[theLichKing]: im a little girl and i like ponies lol
[theLichKing]: What! I hate ponies!
[Killzone'jaeden]: ROFLMAO
[Kel'Thuz4d]: she hax0red you dude
[theLichKing]: This isn't funny!
[theLichKing]: i play with dolls
[theLichKing]: and bake cookies with my mommy
[theLichKing]: Untrue! I deny everything
[Killzone'jaeden]: Hahaha
[theLichKing]: Ok guys this is lame let's just go to a different chat room
[Killzone'jaeden]: NO!
[Killzone'jaeden]: We're waiting for Sargeras!
[Killzone'jaeden]: It's next to impossible to get him into these things anyway
[Killzone'jaeden]: I'm not going to confuse him
[theLichKing]: im a little teapot short and stout
[Killzone'jaeden]: Besides this is hilarious
[Killzone'jaeden]: Sargeras is going to get here and you'll be singing about'll get pwned
[Killzone'jaeden]: Maybe he'll buy you a "pwny"
[Killzone'jaeden]: Hahaha see what I did there
[Kel'Thuz4d]: i dont get it
[Kel'Thuz4d]: wait ok but thats dumb
[Killzone'jaeden]: Wordplay. Look it up.
[Killzone'jaeden]: i like to dress up like a girl
[Killzone'jaeden]: Oh now she's doing it to me too
[Killzone'jaeden]: i like to put on women's clothes
[Killzone'jaeden]: and pretend im a woman
***User "~*`Sylvanas'*~" has left the chat.***
[Killzone'jaeden]: and look at myself in the mirror all pretty
[Killzone'jaeden]: and call myself the prettiest prettiest princess
[theLichKing]: Umm she's not here anymore
[theLichKing]: Are you just typing that stuff yourself?
[Kel'Thuz4d]: ...
[theLichKing]: ...
[Killzone'jaeden]: ...
***User "~*`Sylvanas'*~" has entered the chat.***
[~*`Sylvanas'*~]: heeeeeee~
[Kel'Thuz4d]: omg wtf this sux
[Kel'Thuz4d]: i have a dungeon to run
[Kel'Thuz4d]: pcs are going to be like raiding me and shiz
[theLichKing]: Oh please. The expansion is called "Wrath of the Lich King." It's got my _name_ in it. You don't think a few guilds are going to be farming me as soon as I'm a fightable boss?
[theLichKing]: probably not because i suck so much
[Kel'Thuz4d]: ok and now my cat is 8fwhwe8ufhffweeexvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
[Kel'Thuz4d]: walking on my keyboard
[Kel'Thuz4d]: hold on afk
[theLichKing]: You have a cat?
[theLichKing]: Seriously?
[theLichKing]: You're a freaking skeleton lord. Why do you have a cat?
[Killzone'jaeden]: Yeah why *do* you have a cat?
[Kel'Thuz4d]: back, had to put the cat out
[Kel'Thuz4d]: and ok
[Kel'Thuz4d]: two things
[Kel'Thuz4d]: first, cats are awesome
[Kel'Thuz4d]: second, RACISM??
[Kel'Thuz4d]: "freaking skeleton lord"
[Killzone'jaeden]: WTF is wrong with you people?
[Kel'Thuz4d]: hey! what do you mean..."you people"
[Killzone'jaeden]: What do YOU mean, "you people"?
[Kel'Thuz4d]: hahahaha
[Killzone'jaeden]: Hahahaha...Tropic Thunder, great movie.
[Killzone'jaeden]: i like to poop
[theLichKing]: ...
[Killzone'jaeden]: Ok that one I actually did not say, that was Sylvanas that time
[theLichKing]: ...
[Killzone'jaeden]: No seriously this time it was her
[Kel'Thuz4d]: "this time"?
[Kel'Thuz4d]: wait so u really do like to wear womens clothes
[theLichKing]: You are, in fact, the prettiest prettiest princess?
[Killzone'jaeden]: No, of course not
[Kel'Thuz4d]: do u have a panty drawer
[Killzone'jaeden]: No! I wear boxers. With thorns on them.
[Killzone'jaeden]: And skulls.
[theLichKing]: Ok were the skulls on the kneecaps YOUR idea then??
[Killzone'jaeden]: Wait what?
[Kel'Thuz4d]: yeah dont change the subject
***User "SARGERAS" has entered the chat.***
[SARGERAS]: I AM INVINICBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Killzone'jaeden]: oh god
[theLichKing]: You actually said that already
[Killzone'jaeden]: He spelled it different though.
[Killzone'jaeden]: Dark Lord, there is an issue we need you to resolve
[SARGERAS]: I AM SARGERAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[SARGERAS]: TEH DARK TIT AN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Killzone'jaeden]: Right
[Killzone'jaeden]: But what we're going for is
[theLichKing]: Yeah I'm confident he'll be able to resolve this
[Killzone'jaeden]: The Lich King has this complaint...
[SARGERAS]: i wear little pink girly panties
[Kel'Thuz4d]: omg
[SARGERAS]: WHATTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[theLichKing]: hahahahaha
[Kel'Thuz4d]: pwned
[SARGERAS]: I DID NTO SAY THAT!11111111111111111111
[Kel'Thuz4d]: i dunno about you guys but im kinda turned on right now
[theLichKing]: Rule 34
[SARGERAS]: yeah, you like that, there's more where that came from
[SARGERAS]: *twirls hair seductively*
[SARGERAS]: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Kel'Thuz4d]: *dies laughing*
[Killzone'jaeden]: Ok I'm done
[Killzone'jaeden]: F this
[Killzone'jaeden]: I'm outta here
[Killzone'jaeden]: I hate Azeroth
[~*`Sylvanas'*~]: aw dont go
***User "Killzone'jaeden" has left the chat.***
[~*`Sylvanas'*~]: byeee~
[theLichKing]: Hey I think he spelled all the words right in that one
[Kel'Thuz4d]: missed a t
[theLichKing]: Aw, yeah
[theLichKing]: So close
***User "~*`Sylvanas'*~" has left the chat.***
[Kel'Thuz4d]: ok im out too
[theLichKing]: Ugh fine
[theLichKing]: TTYL
[Kel'Thuz4d]: ttyl
***User "Kel'Thuz4d" has left the chat.***
[theLichKing]: This is the worst chat ever.
[theLichKing]: The worst.
[theLichKing]: The worst.
[theLichKing]: Whatevs, titan dude. I'm done.
[theLichKing]: Still freezing my ass off though.
[theLichKing]: *wrath*
***User "theLichKing" has left the chat.***
[SARGERAS]: *looks around*
[SARGERAS]: Chat empty?
[SARGERAS]: I have eaten
[SARGERAS]: the plums
[SARGERAS]: that were in
[SARGERAS]: the icebox
[SARGERAS]: and which
[SARGERAS]: you were probably
[SARGERAS]: saving
[SARGERAS]: for breakfast
[SARGERAS]: Forgive me
[SARGERAS]: they were delicious
[SARGERAS]: so sweet
[SARGERAS]: and so cold
***User "SARGERAS" has left the chat.***

(now for part 2)

Part 2: ... log-2.html[Killzone’jaeden]: ...and that's how I spent three weeks selling fire extinguishers in Gnomeregan.
[theLichKing]: Hahaha! Oh man, in context it makes perfect sense.
[Killzone’jaeden]: So on a completely unrelated note
[Killzone’jaeden]: When are you planning to get off your ass and help us out with some Burning Crusade action
[theLichKing]: Man, I already told you
[theLichKing]: I don't do that shit anymore
[theLichKing]: I'm all about the freezing. It's, like, the _opposite_ of burning.
[Killzone’jaeden]: Please
[theLichKing]: No
[Killzone’jaeden]: Please
[theLichKing]: NO! Dude if you can't let this go, I'm logging off right now.
[Killzone’jaeden]: Man what is your deal...I don't see why you can't crusade just a little
[Killzone’jaeden]: Start the occasional bonfire
[Killzone’jaeden]: Light a scented candle once in a while...every tiny bit helps
[Killzone’jaeden]: Why won't you serve me?
[theLichKing]: You mean aside from the hideous, horrific torture?
[Killzone’jaeden]: Yeah besides that
[theLichKing]: Ok look. The whole Burning Crusade is stupid.
[Killzone’jaeden]: Why?
[theLichKing]: You have no endgame.
[Killzone’jaeden]: *cough*DestroyEveryLivingThingInTheUniverse*cough*
[theLichKing]: Ok, then what?
[Killzone’jaeden]: Then I dance on Aegwynn's corpse.
[theLichKing]: Um...ok. Then what?
[Killzone’jaeden]: Well, I'm going to be doing that for a pretty long time.
[Killzone’jaeden]: Like, three years.
[Killzone’jaeden]: I plan to really make the most of my corpse-dancing potential. I have sort of a gift, you know?
[Killzone’jaeden]: Plus Aegwynn is *such* a bitch
[theLichKing]: THEN WHAT
[Killzone’jaeden]: Dude, I dunno
[Killzone’jaeden]: Cross-stitch?
***User "Sindragosa1337" has entered the chat.***
[Sindragosa1337]: wh4t 1s up p33ps
[Sindragosa1337]: i h4ve a ?
[Sindragosa1337]: lets say hyp0theticaly, youd slaught3r3d somewhere in the neighborh00d of... lets say... 1,200 dwarves
[Killzone’jaeden]: Been there.
[Sindragosa1337]: and it was m3ssy
[theLichKing]: Done that.
[Sindragosa1337]: and now j00 cannot get t3h blood off ur talons
[Sindragosa1337]: r3commend a cleaning pr0duct for this hypothetical situation pl0x
[Killzone’jaeden]: Dwarf blood is notoriously difficult to remove. I recommend soaking in vinegar.
[Sindragosa1337]: o rly?
[Killzone’jaeden]: NOPE!
[Killzone’jaeden]: I WAS LYING! Vinegar will have NO EFFECT
[Killzone’jaeden]: See I DECEIVED YOU
[Killzone’jaeden]: Cuz I'm THE DECEIVER
[Killzone’jaeden]: Hahahahahahahahahahahaha
[Killzone’jaeden]: *sigh* I have never known true intimacy.
[Sindragosa1337]: hey are j00 still cross-dress1ng these days?
[Killzone’jaeden]: Oh you know it.
[Sindragosa1337]: w4nt to borrow my l1pst1ck?
[Sindragosa1337]: i dont n33d it anym0re due to a lack of l1ps
[Killzone’jaeden]: Hells to the yes please.
[theLichKing]: WTF is wrong with you
[Killzone’jaeden]: I'm not actually going to wear the lipstick. I just say things like that because it's liberating.
[Sindragosa1337]: hes r1ght
[Sindragosa1337]: break1ng d0wn stere0types
[Killzone’jaeden]: "I loved Sex and the City."
[Sindragosa1337]: "i urin4t3 standing up"
[Killzone’jaeden]: Try it
[theLichKing]: NO
[Killzone’jaeden]: "I call up my friends just to talk."
[Sindragosa1337]: "i h4v3 a genuine interest in the 0utcome of footb4ll games"
[Killzone’jaeden]: "I honestly believe that lavender and mauve are different things."
[Sindragosa1337]: "burp1ng is rel3vant to my 1nterests"
[theLichKing]: I'm not pretending I'm a woman.
[Killzone’jaeden]: So just say something random then. It'll make you feel better.
[theLichKing]: Ugh... like what?
[Killzone’jaeden]: I don't know.
[Killzone’jaeden]: How about...
[Killzone’jaeden]: "At night, I look upon potatoes with lust in my eyes."
[Sindragosa1337]: rofl
[theLichKing]: What does that even mean? That doesn't mean anything.
[theLichKing]: I'm not saying that.
[Killzone’jaeden]: You don't have to say it...just type it
[Sindragosa1337]: wh4ts teh harm
[Killzone’jaeden]: It's just us.
[Sindragosa1337]: th3r3 is n0thing to ph33r
[Killzone’jaeden]: Do it
[Sindragosa1337]: do it
[Killzone’jaeden]: Do it
[Sindragosa1337]: do it
[Sindragosa1337]: d0 33t
[Killzone’jaeden]: You don't even have to type it. Just copy and paste. "At night, I look upon potatoes with lust in my eyes."
[Killzone’jaeden]: You *know* you want to.
[theLichKing]: FINE. Just to make you guys stfu.
***User "Kel'Thuz4d" has entered the chat.***
[theLichKing]: At night, I look upon potatoes with lust in my eyes.
[Kel’Thuz4d]: TMIgeddon
***User "Kel'Thuz4d" has left the chat.***
[theLichKing]: OMG
[Killzone’jaeden]: OMFG
[Sindragosa1337]: z0mg
[Sindragosa1337]: 3pic
[Sindragosa1337]: 3p1c
[theLichKing]: *WRATH*
[Sindragosa1337]: Th1s 1s a gr34t day 1n h15t0ry
[Killzone’jaeden]: Hey you should probably get that fixed by the way
[Sindragosa1337]: wh4t?
[Killzone’jaeden]: Whatever it is about your keyboard that's making you sound like a fucktard
[Killzone’jaeden]: By confusing Arabic numerals with the effing Roman alphabet.
[Sindragosa1337]: its called 1337
[Killzone’jaeden]: What a coincidence
[Killzone’jaeden]: One thousand, three hundred thirty-seven is the exact number of dumbass script kiddies I crushed into oblivion yesterday.
***User "Kel'Thuz4d" has entered the chat.***
[Kel’Thuz4d]: *eyes LK uncertainly*
[theLichKing]: *eyes Kelthuzad uncertainly*
[Kel’Thuz4d]: We will never speak of it again.
[Sindragosa1337]: hey k3lly i have a ?
[theLichKing]: *sigh* To remove dwarf blood, soak in hydrogen peroxide then sacrifice a goat to Aule.
[Sindragosa1337]: 0h tnx
[Sindragosa1337]: but th4t wasnt my ? this tim3
[Sindragosa1337]: im just cur10us wh4t its lik3 to b3 a fightable b0ss
[Sindragosa1337]: im kind4 nerv0us
[Kel’Thuz4d]: ok remember when you died
[Sindragosa1337]: um yah
[Kel’Thuz4d]: imagine that, eighty times a day
[Sindragosa1337]: 0uch
[Kel’Thuz4d]: actually its not so bad
[Kel’Thuz4d]: its fun when raids wipe
[Killzone’jaeden]: Yeah and you can always tell which guilds are going to suck
[Killzone’jaeden]: Rule of Guild Names: The more awesome the guild name tries to sound, the more the guild sucks.
[Killzone’jaeden]: If I see, like, "Lords Of Chaos And Darkness"... done
[Killzone’jaeden]: "The Right Hand Of God"... they don't even make it through the instance
[Killzone’jaeden]: But if I ever see, like, "Ain't Misbehavin"
[Killzone’jaeden]: I'm like SHIT
[Sindragosa1337]: XD
[Kel’Thuz4d]: hey sindragosa have you seen anub'arak
[Sindragosa1337]: n0pe
[Sindragosa1337]: i think he h4s a l1vej0urnal though
[Sindragosa1337]: try se4rching the web
[Sindragosa1337]: haha get it "web"
[Kel’Thuz4d]: you cant be making fun of him just bc hes a spider
[Sindragosa1337]: y n0t?
[Kel’Thuz4d]: weve been over this...remember ur sensitivity training
[Sindragosa1337]: oh i am s3nsitive...dr4gons are a pr0ud peopl3 with a rich cultur4l heritage
[Sindragosa1337]: r4cism is a srs issue
[Sindragosa1337]: phylumism is just hil4rious
[Sindragosa1337]: "hey look at me im all cool, >8< spider pride"
[Sindragosa1337]: "oh no something larger than a golf ball"
[Sindragosa1337]: "eeek ~8~ spider squish"
[Kel’Thuz4d]: :-O
[theLichKing]: Hey show a little respect for diversity
[Sindragosa1337]: "hmmm a complex problem, let me solve it"
[Sindragosa1337]: "oh wait i dont have a prefrontal cortex"
[Sindragosa1337]: "guess ill just twitch like usual"
[Killzone’jaeden]: OMG
[Sindragosa1337]: wyrms before worms amirite
[theLichKing]: Not appropriate at all
[Kel’Thuz4d]: like seriously
[Killzone’jaeden]: We were just joking before.
[theLichKing]: The Scourge does not condone this sort of thing.
[Killzone’jaeden]: Or the Legion.
[theLichKing]: At all.
[Killzone’jaeden]: At all.
[Kel’Thuz4d]: dont hate
[theLichKing]: I'm out of here.
[Killzone’jaeden]: Yeah me too.
[Kel’Thuz4d]: 4 reals
***User "Kel'Thuz4d" has left the chat.***
***User "theLichKing" has left the chat.***
***User "Killzone'jaeden" has left the chat.***
[Sindragosa1337]: *looks around*
[Sindragosa1337]: Whose woods these are I think I know
[Sindragosa1337]: His house is
[Sindragosa1337]: Fuck it.
***User "Sindragosa1337" has left the chat.***

Monday, March 30, 2009

She woke me up at 3 am crying. it's got to be the most horrid feeling, knowing the end is near, and there's not a damn thing you can do to stop it.

I really have no room for complaints. she was 14 years old. 13 of those years in my home. The vet told us the average life expectancy for a Shar Pei is only 8 to 10 years, so it was really a blessing she lived that long. and that doesn't begin to describe what she was to us. if you have ever adopted a pet, I don't need to explain. if you never have, you will never understand.

Wrinkles was my cousins dog. however, she attached herself to me. she would escape and run over to my house. she would never behave for her "owners", and eventually they gave in and gave her to me.

To be honest, i didn't really want a dog. However, being a single parent with 2 young daughters, I decided that i could use an extra set of eyes and ears. she became "Ashton's dog", and I figured if any issues arose, as long as she could buy me a few seconds reaction time, she would be worth the hassle. She became so much more than that. She was a nanny.. a friend.. a babysitter, and a defender. If you weren't known, you would never get within 20 feet of my daughters. We took a trip to see my brother in Las Vegas. When we pulled up, he jumped the fence and ran up to the car and grabbed my door. Wrinkles just about took his arm off. Funny thing is, rick was to become her favorite person outside my immediate family. This dog could even tell me who was knocking at my door. She would be at the door before they were close enough to ring the bell. She had a different reaction for everyone she knew, and a set reaction for those she didn't. It was a very comforting feeling knowing that she would let me know who was at my house before they were close enough for any person to know. As a general rule, she would be friendly to most people, but there were some she just didn't like. I had her at my mothers house one time, and she happened to be babysitting my cousins granddaughter. When the girls father came to pick her up, Wrinkles wouldn't let him in the yard. She loved to travel, and travelled well. Well, except for one trip. we were headed to California, and stopped at Walker Reservoir in central Nevada. She decided to eat some sand, and ended up puking all the way to Sacramento.. ugh.. what a mess.. But, if you were to say the word "ride", or better yet "fishing" she would get so excited she would start dancing, and practically pee herself.

The last year or so, she had slowed down so much she almost had a different personality. Most times, she would no longer greet me at the door, and may not even realize I was home until I walked into the bedroom. But she was always a good dog. I don't think i have ever had a pet as well behaved as she was, or as loyal.

She got to where she wouldn't eat this last week. So i finally took her to the vet Saturday. they did an exam, took x-rays and blood work. They were unable to process the blood work at that time, and informed me it would be sent out and they would call with the results Monday morning. We went over the x-rays, and the Vet showed me she had 2 spots on one of her kidneys. It was unknown what they were, most likely stones and possibly tumors, but the blood work should give a better idea. However, her heart was almost twice the size it should have been. He gave a prescription and a couple of cans of food to keep her comfortable and sent us home pending the results of the blood work, and said he would call Monday and inform me of what treatment he would recommend.

It was when we went back out to the waiting room that she started having trouble standing. We took her home and managed to have her get some food down. A little before bedtime, I took her outside for a few minutes, and came back in. She walked over by the front door and laid down. It was the last time she was able to stand. A bit later, I carried her to her bed and laid her down, and after a few minutes, she fell asleep. I went to bed at around 11pm, hoping for the best, but fearing the worst.

She woke me up at 3 am crying. I came out and sat with her until around 6, when I woke Tristan up and told her it was almost time. She didn't say anything, but I don't see how she could have missed my tears. We tried a couple of times to get wrinkles to her feet, but it just wasn't happening. At the time I am writing this, I have been almost 48 hours with 4 hours sleep, and the times are already getting fuzzy. I called my brother, as we had already made arrangements to bury her at his place when the time came, and once again, he didn't say anything, but I'm sure he couldn't have missed my voice breaking. I called Ashton, and it was obvious we both cried. Tristan and I spent the day sitting with Wrinkles, making sure she was comfortable, and giving her pain meds at regular intervals. Tristan went to lie down for a bit, and this is when she had her first seizure. I thought for sure it was the end. However, she came out of it and relaxed, and was back to lying comfortably in her bed. This happened twice more during the day. The only word i can think of right now is heart wrenching. I am consoled with the fact that when she passed, it was a quiet passing, and I am pretty sure she was comfortable. I never intended to get attached to this dog, as the main purpose in keeping her was to buy time in the event that my children were ever threatened. But get attached I did, and more so than any pet I have ever had.

Wrinkles passed at 1:40 this morning. Tristan was watching her as I needed to lie down and get some rest. At this point I had less than 4 hours sleep in 2 days. I was lying behind her, and Tristan had asked if it would be OK to give her more meds, as it was looking as if they were wearing off already. I got up and fixed them for her, and laid back down. Tristan immediately informed me she had stopped breathing. We both sat with her for the next half hour, hugging each other and crying.

RIP Wrinkles. I miss you already, more than i would ever have believed. We love you, and you will always be remembered.

Saturday, February 14, 2009



HMO's want people to die... or at least my prescription carrier does.

I've tried The Patch, The Gum, The Lozenges, Cold Turkey, Changing Brands, and every other "Quit Smoking Now" snake-oil cure they have come up with. This time I decided to try Chantix. I got my prescription, decided I'd fill it this weekend and quit..

Well, I guess i should cover the HMO WANTS YOU TO DIE part first... THE MORONS WON'T COVER MY PRESCRIPTION!!!! It's like, we don't want you to quit. We want to pay the Oncologists instead, and MAYBE they can help you.. (I think this make it obvious that these people are morons... If I am dead, THEY CAN'T GET ANY MORE OF MY MONEY!! Does this REALLY make sense?) So, anyway... I just shelled out $150 for a month's worth of this stuff... If it works, it's worth it.. If it doesn't, well... I've spent more than that on the other snake oil cures, so i guess i will have to chalk this one up too.. (ok, the reason i am trying it is EVERYONE who i have talked to said it worked, and were still smoke-free months after the quit the pills.. so, we'll see)

anyway, I get home with the 'scrip, open them up and read the directions.. the first thing it says is to start taking the pills a week before you quit.. meh... i was going to start taking the pills today, and quit tomorrow.. but, I may as well follow the directions. otherwise i can't complain when it doesn't work.. so, i will take my first dose at bedtime tonight, and change my quit date to saturday the 21'st.

I kinda have mixed feelings here.. I hope it works, but as all the other "cures" were nothing more than a joke (ya, I'm sure those corporations are laughing.... all the way to the bank... people who seek to profit off of things that hurt others should die a slow, miserable death... but that's a rant for another post) I am a little apprehensive, and afraid to get over excited.

So, as long as this stuff doesn't turn me into a manic depressant or have some other goofy side effect, I'll post an update in a week or two.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


so... blogs, huh? always seemed kinda stupid to me.. but as everyone is doing it, maybe i'll try..

I have a few hobbies, and thought maybe i would find a spot to post my progress on. Astronomy being the main one, and i have recently decided to try my hand at astro-photography. the thing i have learned the most is that i suck at this! over 300 shots, and only a couple reveal any detail at all!

i started with jupiter, and as all i could get was a blurry light, i decided to attack a larger target, and went with the moon... all this has done is reveal that i am completely clueless as to how this is done. so far, all i have attempted is the afocal method, as i don't currently own a camera that has removeable lens so as to mount it directly to a telescope, and the afocal mount was only $35.

however i haven't given up yet! (i'm not sure if this is determination or stupidity, but I really hate to get beat, especially by an inanimate object). Hopefully i will see some progress soon. I am a member of the Las Vegas Astronomical Society, and at the last meeting, I was looking at some work done by our current club president, with a device called a "mallincam". it is a camera you can attach directly to the scope, and he had some awesome pictures! so of curse i went online to research this piece of equipment, and saw that it will set me back around $1200. So that is a purchase i probably won't make any time soon. But i am hopeful that sometime soon I will be able to attend a star party, and someone there will be able to give me some advice as to what i am doing wrong, or what it is i need to do to obtain some decent images.

the one consolation i have is that everyone tells me that the afocal method is the hardest to perfect, and it is quite common to spend a night and come home with only a couple of viable images. with my work schedule, i am almost never able to spend more than a couple of hours after sunset before i need to go to sleep.

Also, i doubt this will be an astronomy only blog. i have many interests and can be quite moody, so I am sure whatever i choose to enter here will reflect my current mood.

anyway... enough of this pointless nonsense,, i have things to accomplish today, as it's my last day off before returning to that obnoxious grind we must all endure to assure our survival.